August 6, 2011


Sometimes kan, aku wonder doh, macam mana lah perempuan perempuan can live up to their life standards? High maintenance kot. Paling tak high maintenance pun ada sikitttttttt la kan. Semua nak cantik, semua nak perfect, (pastu semua nak kurus hu hu hu, I am included hehehe -)

Lepastu. Macam mana korang boleh pakai like sky scrapper high heels without fear of falling flat?
I am, amazed beyond words! (sebab aku pakai flats pun boleh jatuh flat on my face, true story happened circa 2008 and I'm not ashamed to admit it hahah)
Baru lepas windowblogshopping. Explains the post.
Iftar tadi best gila! Lagi best kalau ada S sekali. Oh well.

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