August 5, 2011


Ok, dah hari ke-lima. Aku rasa macam dah setengah bulan puasa hu hu hu, is that a bad thing? Hm. I told you already kan how much I want September to come running? Aku rasa dah banyak kali.

Banyak benda aku belajar so far. Belajar tahan marah. Belajar sabar. Belajar tolerate. Belajar give and take. Sharpen up my domestic skills. Belajar tahan emosi. Hari hari belajar. Not a bad thing, tapi... sakit dan penat. I know i shouldn't complaint much sebab ada orang lagi teruk dari aku. Tambah tambah bulan puasa ni. Like, alah, biasala tu duduk alone. I mean like, I feel alone/lonely even I'm in a house of at least 7 people. No one gets me like my brothers. Dem, I miss the old timesss.

Aaaaaak dah janji dengan diri sendiri tanak post emo stuff, tapi macam kat sini nobody reads my blog and I feel like I can be totally honest here, no? Well /nobody/ as in... them people.

Soul searching jadi penat+perit+pelik bila kita sendiri tak tau apa kita nak cari.
Serius. Aku rasa aku dah lain gila, and I'm not sure whether its a good thing or a bad thing. Hm.
:/ Gotta find time to visit Ibu. Maybe I'll bawl. Maybe.

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