August 29, 2010

Dah demam.

Semalam the guy gave me a call after a week of silence. Kami memang begitu, dulu selalu terasa kalau tak cakap/sms for a few days, but now I guess, I can live with it.
The guy semangat-semangat tell me that finally he has bought the long awaited new battery for his suckish phone, instead of being happy about it (since serious dah lama gila phone dia fakap macam ****, almost 1 yr and a half I guess... =.=), I got pissed off. Sebab? I already gotten him a new batt cuma tak ada masa nak bagi, dan dia tahu about it. Duit tu boleh buat makan seminggu kat sini tau. =.=, anyways, lepas bagi lecture panjang lebar, rasa bersalah pulak sebab patutnya I should be happy, because he made the effort to finally buy that darn battery. What more he got it for less than the one I got him.

And then tone suara dah berubah. Haih. Kesian kena marah free. Tapi I rasa situation tu comel ahahaha. Omg, I'm such a bad girlfriend aren't I?
My point is, aku memang tak boleh nak marah orang sebab nanti in the end aku rasa bersalah gila. Hm. What more if that person is someone special to me. Tsk. Maaf ya?


Namzie said...

Awww~ jangan marah2 kak, nanti cepat tua ;P

kamu, demam berjangkit dengan Lana ke? Take caree! *hugs*

Unknown said...

he he he :p

agaknya la, demam jangkit jarak jauh. Awww sweet gila kan!

Thank you loves, *hugs*