September 28, 2010

I got a new love. \m/

This is my current fav OJ. Not too sweet, not too sour(/bitter?). It fits my preferences just nice. I think me and Minute Maid's OJ would have a long term relationship and that is awesome.

A relationship where I'll always love this particular OJ brand, and (hopefully) they'll produce the same orange juice forever. No conflict, just pure love.

On other news, I wish the word distance means happiness, and wholesome. Distance just spells lonely for me and I am not that tough anymore. The more I care, the more it bites back. The more paranoid, and annoying I become. And less people care about me because of that.

Annoying, D, annoying.

1 comment:

Putri Ramlan said...

Jyeah! Nicely written. ;)